Sunday, October 24, 2010

Don't Screw Up The World!


I'm tired of the stupidity. I'm tired of the drama. I'm tired on the incessant squabbling. Tired of only having enough to get by. I'm fed up with wallowing in the putrid essence of debt. Tired of the constant wretchedness that is humanity.

This is one fucked up world with its retarded desire for wealth. Everyone wants money, status, popularity, and glory. If there could be one thing I could tell the entire world at the same time it would be this, "Get over yourself and help this mediocre world to survive."

Help the children running in rags down the street. Help the beggar on the corner of the highway. Pick up the litter thrown on the grass with the "Keep Off The Grass" sign. Stop your insipid little desires for the newest iPod and other Apple products (This is an example).

Have you ever stopped to think that what you're buying is affecting the ecosystem? Have you ever paused to consider that because of your stupid, tantrum-induced wants, your environment is becoming more polluted and dirty?

Nice hair, what do you use? Hairspray? Does it produce CFCs? Oh, you don't know what those are? Chlorofluorocarbons. They damage the ozone layer. Don't know what that is either? Get an education, you bum!

Go to school. Stop your frickin' whining. Become a doctor and go to Africa! Cambodia! ANYWHERE!!! Ever heard of Brain Drain? In short, it means smart people leave their poor country to go elsewhere. They leave to have a better life.

HAH! Talk about being selfish. Don't you care? Don't you feel anything for the people suffering in other countries? Oh, yes, your miseries are great indeed!

You didn't get that new thingamajig that came out a while ago. Your daddy didn't buy you a new car after you totaled the old one. Your mommy said you'd have to do your own laundry this week.

Oh, my, your maid forgot to pick up your dry-cleaning!

That's terrible.


Unbelievable. The world is bound to end! Oh, wait, the world is still turning. The sky isn't falling. Hell isn't opening up to annihilate us all. Why were you complaining again?

Are you missing an arm? A leg? Your ear, maybe? Oh, you broke a nail…

Who gives a crap? It's just a nail. It'll grow back. An arm doesn't. Did you know that? Surely, you knew that!

Hey, could you help me with homework? Oh, you've got a party to go to?

Apparently, getting drunk is more important to you. Are you even in school? Come to think of it, I haven't seen you there. Oh, you're taking a break? You feel your brain is about to deflate? You need time out from all those harsh, long, and exaggeratedly smart words? Ah, okay.

I got one thing to say, though. "Fuck you."

Do something for the world. Recycle, get smart and leave to an underdeveloped country, use your clothes twice (oh, God, just not the underwear!) before washing them. Volunteer at a rehabilitation clinic or maybe an old folks home. A hospital works too. Pick up trash along the sidewalk as you walk to school and properly dispose of it. Yes, walk. Or take the bus. You can even carpool. Recycle!!!!! Get off the computer unless you're actually researching a way to better the world!

RECYCLE!!! I can't say it enough.

Stop buying things. Those iPods, mp3s, etc. take natural resources too. Protect the trees and plants which provide oxygen for you. Volunteer at oil spills.

Can you hear that?

The world is crying.

Can you feel that?

It is slowly dying because you don't ever stop to think. Use that brain in your head for something productive. Save the world.

It needs you.

-Shannon Flores; Sunday; September 5, 2010; 1:59 p.m.